Saturday, March 24, 2012

Why Do People Stay With Facebook?

From being a Facebook member myself--I speculate that many people stay with FaceBook even when they are disgusted, frustrated, disillusioned, some even angry, because:

  1. They are addicted.
  2. They have invested time and effort in relationships.
  3. If their friends and family do not move to higher ground, they will be on higher ground, alone.
  4. Other social media choices may not provide the privacy protections that Facebook does (OK--I laughed until tears rolled down with that one).
Is there a way to turn this Facebook addiction AND the time many of us have invested in Facebook posts into an investment that benefits us as much as Facebook?

Let's pull this apart.Facebook makes money from advertisers because of our posts. 

OK--so competing social media choices and media other than social media obviously decided it is more advantageous to go with the wind than against the wind. The proof is the Facebook, Twitter and other popular social media buttons at so many sites, even competing sites.

So, now my curiosity gets the best of me and I do a search with social media and share buttons. Wahla! Pay Dirt. I discovered that Footprint Technologies had delivered an awesome work with social media share buttons. They also plan to keep the buttons updated. 

I recommend that you follow their link, then bookmark the page--especially if you plan to invest your FaceBook time in a blog or website. I liked Footprint Technologies social media share button page so much that I will "Facebook-Like" this post. 

Yes, it IS ok to "like" yourself.

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